Make-up brushes – The beginner’s set

The foundation of great make-up is the use of proper accessories, e.g. brushes. Those are the ones that help make-up artists create the most beautiful make-up creations in just a matter of few moments. Which make-up brushes should you choose as a beginner? Here’s the set that each one of us should have!
Every woman who enters the world of make-up would want to do it like a truly professional make-up artist. Many believe that the key to success is a huge set of make-up brushes that will allow you to create incredible things on the face. The truth is that even make-up artists do not use half the brushes that “professional” make-up set contains. They usually have a handful of their favorite models and they use them on a daily basis.
Make-up brushes set for the beginners
● Eyeshadows brush
Depending on where you will be using it (in the corner of the eye or in the middle of the eyelid), the brush should have a slightly different size. You should consider getting at least two brushes for eyeshadows – smaller and bigger ones. Those are fluffy and slightly flat and rounded at the tip which allows precise application onto the eyelid.
● Brush for eyeshadow blending
Every brush for eyeshadows application should be accompanied by a brush to blend it. The base for many make-up ideas is so-called blending which means that you blend the lines between the colors. This effect can be achieved using a fluffy and rounded blending brush.
● Fluffy powder brush
We carry on with the fluffy brushes because, among the most important ones, you should always have a powder brush. You can say that it is a bigger version of the blending brush. However, here the large rounded fluffy top makes it easier to sweep the face with loose translucent or mineral powder. It’s an extremely convenient way to apply the powder which, if necessary, can be slightly tapped in the skin for increased durability.
● Flat top brush for foundation
Face make-up is also all about making it smooth and color even. For the foundation application, we usually use Beauty Blender, special puff, or simply our fingers. However, you should also consider the use of a brush. A flat top is the type of big and fat brush that has an entirely flat top. It allows you foundation application in the tapping motion and precise manner so that even a small amount of the product can provide full coverage.
● Precise brush for eyeliner and eyebrows
The beginner’s make-up brushes set has to contain at least one precise brush – small, flat, and angled. Even though it has precisely determined intended use, you can in fact use it for all sorts of make-up elements that require thin lines made in a confident manner. It can be used for eyebrows, eyeliner or to apply eyeshadow at the eyelashes root line.
● Brush for the lips
Those who are fans of lipstick shouldn’t forget about the thin and flat brush with a slightly rounded tip for use on lips. You can obviously apply lipstick without it, however, application with a brush is more precise and you have full control over how much product you use while the effect lasts longer. The brush for lips is a must if you don’t want your lipstick to smudge.
Which make-up brushes should you choose?
You should keep in mind that way more important is the quality of the brush rather than its type. A good brush is such that is soft, elastic, and will not lose its shape over time. The construction of the brush is of the highest importance because it is the only thing that can guarantee that it will serve you for years, e.g. without losing the bristles. Therefore, if you plan on buying your first set of make-up brushes pay attention to the quality and materials used for them. Sometimes it is better to pay extra because this type of set will be with you for a really long time.
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